Each week we conclude our worship gathering by reciting Jesus' command to his disciples in Matthew 28:18–20 to take the hope of his ressurection to the ends of the earth. We try to live this out by being engaged in mission and outreach initiatives local and globally.
We support and partner with various organizations that allow us to serve our city and the world in the name of Jesus.
Local Ministry

Recovery House of Worship
Recovery House of Worship’s food pantry is open on Saturday from 10 a.m. – noon, providing quality food to restore health and dignity for all needy families in our community.

The Guild for Exceptional Children
The Guild for Exceptional Children is a local non-profit that helps children and adults living with developmental disabilities lead dignified and satisfying lives, reaching their fullest potential and assisting families in every step of their journey.
We host annual events and parties with the residents of The Guild.

Metro World Child
Metro World Child is a faith-based humanitarian organization dedicated to serving children throughout New York City.
In the past, we have partnered with Metro World Child to deliver food to families in need. We’ve also partnered with them to provide Christmas gifts to children in our neighborhood.
International Ministry
Food for the Hungry
Food for the Hungry seeks to end all forms of human poverty by going to the hard places and walking with the world’s most vulnerable people. They serve over 20 countries through purposeful relief and development.
Crossroads currently partners with Food for the Hungry to serve a local community in the Dominican Republic. We give generously, send mission teams, and sponsor children in this community.