
Josh Wall, Lead Pastor of Teaching & Vision

Welcome to Crossroads Christian Church!

We are humbled and excited you are here! Crossroads is a neighborhood church that deeply desires to be a community that knows and lives out the gospel of Jesus in Brooklyn. Whether you are rooted in the neighborhood or have moved here recently, we invite you to join us as we seek to know Christ through the Scriptures, grow together as a family, and go into the world to make disciples of Jesus.

Our foundation is first, built on the Word of God as our authority for life and godliness. We believe that what God says is good, just, and beautiful is better than what I might feel is good, just, and beautiful. Second, it is built on a church-centric community – knowing we are exiles here, longing for an eternal home, but knowing until Jesus returns, he has made us an outpost of light, a diverse people who through their love of one another display God’s glory to all the nations of the world. Third, we are built on the truth that as Jesus has reconciled us through his death, burial, and resurrection and made us right before God, we are now ministers of reconciliation to our neighborhood and strive to share God’s grace.

As you click around on our website, we hope you get a glimpse of who we are and what we value. If you’d like a more dynamic view, we warmly welcome you to come join us for Sunday worship, or attend our next Starting Point event to learn more about our history, mission, vision, and values.

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey or whether you are from another faith background, we are eager to walk alongside you, encourage you, and help you discover the fullness of life in Christ.

In the shadow of the glorious cross,

Pastor Josh Wall
Lead Pastor of Teaching and Vision

Kyle Via

Executive Pastor

Emily Mueller

Crossroads Kids Director

Josh Ocasio

Director of Worship & Young Professionals

Wanda Padilla

​First Impressions

Julie Lang

Crossroads Women

Vivian Wong

Sunday Operations

Angela Tam

Connections Director

Alejandro Swaby

Local Outreach

John Chua


Joe Dykema


Aldo Hernandez


Jon Padilla

Deacon / Crossroads Men